61 Y/M with multiple myeloma
61-year-old male, a mason by occupation presented to the casualty with
complaints of
fever for 10 days
cough since 1week
shortness of breath since 1week
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back then he developed Involuntary movements of the right upper limb which was initially less intense then slowly
progressed to the rest with an increase in amplitude and frequency,
not associated with other abnormalities like weakness of limbs, giddiness, syncope.
associated with slowing of movements and difficulty in turning while walking for the past 2years for which he even stopped working.
the patient went to a local practitioner for the same and was given medications but was in vain, he even traveled all the way to Karnataka to get his condition treated with
local medication but was found to have no improvement in his symptoms
2 years back patient started to increase his alcohol consumption after his wife demise and was having these mood disturbances since then.
10 days back patient developed
high grade
no diurnal variation
releived on taking medications
not associated with chills and rigors,vomitings, loose stools,burning micturition.
initially dry cough later developed productive cough ,
cough increased during early morning
sputum - scanty, mucoid in consistency, white
not associated with hemoptysis, post tussive vomiting
Shortness of Breath-
insidious in onset,lasts for few seconds
initially grade 2 later progressed to grade 3
releived on taking rest
exertional dyspnea+
no orthopnea, PND, platypnea
no diurnal variation
not associated with chest pain, palpitations, syncope
patient had no similar complaints in the past
not a known case of DM/HTN/ASTHMA/CAD/TB/EPILEPSY
Farmer and mason by occupation
stopped working 3 years back due to his weakness
ROUTINE- wakes up at 5 am
breakfast (idly, dosa) at around 9am then goes for a walk while chatting with his neighbours
has his lunch at around 2pm (mostly rice, curry, dal) takes a nap for an hour ,
evening goes for a walk and has chat with his friends
night dinner at around 8pm and then sleeps at 9 to 10 pm
diet -mixed
appetite - normal (decreased last 5 days)
bowel and bladder regular
sleep adequate
addiction- occasional alcoholic since 20 years stopped 5 years back restarted after 2years
tobacco (beedi 1 pack/day)
no relevant family history
no similar complaints in his family
patient is not regularly vaccinated with annual flu shots
PROVISIONAL : Lower respiratory tract infection with ?parkinsons disease
61 year old male sitting comfortably on bed
patient is conscious ,coherent, cooperative
well oriented to place and person not to time
moderately built, poorly nourished
PALLOR Present++
LYMPHADENOAPTHY present+ @upper jugular, middle, and lower jugular right side
EDEMA mild pitting grade 1
BP-110/70 mm of Hg bilateral arms supine position
Pulse-92 bpm,regular in rate,rythm,normal in volume,consistency. bilaterally equal,no radiofemoral delay
peripheral pulses felt
RR-22 CPM, abdominothoracic type
Saturations:97 on room air
Skin- normal
thyroid- no visible goitre
nails -normal no koilonykia
JVP- raised
shape -Ellipsoid
breathing pattern-Abdomino thoracic,no retractions,No usage of accessory muscles
drooping of shoulder present on right side
supraclavicular fullness seen on right side, hollowing seen on left side
no scars, sinuses, pulsations seen
inspectory findings are confirmed
no tenderness
total circumference- 45cm
right left
hemi thorax 22cm 23cm
expansion on deep inspiration- 2cm asymmetrical, decreased on rt side
mediastinum - shifted to right
Vocal fremitus- Right Left
Supraclavicular N N N N N N
Infraclavicular N N N N N N
Mammary inc inc inc inc inc N
Inframammary inc inc inc inc inc inc
Suprascapular equal equal
Interscapular increased
Infrascapular increased increased
no palpable pleural rub
no palpable thrills
Supraclavicular R R R R R R
Infraclavicular D D R R R R
Mammary D D D D R R
Inframammary D D R cardiac dullness R
Suprascapular R R
Interscapular R R
Infrascapular D D
*R - Resonant
*D - Dull
liver dullness @ 4th ics
liver span - 14cm
Normal vesicular breath sounds heard
bronchial sounds + @ mammary and infra mammary areas
crepts head over right and left midaxillary at inframammary and mammary area
aegophony +
whispering pectorilquy +
Patient is conscious , coherent, cooperative
oriented to place and person
speech - normal
memory- recent slightly decreased , remote intact (forgetfulness+)
Cranial nerve-
1 - intact
2 - intact
3,4,6-intact , all movements eyes +
5- sensory, motor + reflexes+
7- sensory, motor, secreatory , reflexes intact
8- intact
9,10,11- intact
12 -intact
Motor system:
bulk -
inspection - normal
palpation- normal
right left
upperlimb hypertonia hypertonia
cogwheel rigidity
lower limb normal normal
upperlimb 5/5 5/5
lower limb 5/5 5/5
1. Corneal +
2. Conjunctival +
3. Pharyngeal Reflex +
4. Palatal Reflex +
5. Abdominal Reflex +
6. Cremasteric Reflex +
Deep tendon reflexes-
Biceps +++ +++
Triceps ++ ++
Supinator ++ ++
Knee ++ ++
Ankle ++ ++
Plantar flexors flexors
short shuffling gait+
difficulty in turning around
Involuntary movements:
all sensations are intact
Cerebellar signs:
titubation absent
dysdiadokokinesia absent
truncal ataxia absent
nystagmus absent
Autonomic nervous system: intact
No signs of meningeal irritation
carotid pulses normal and bruit absent
Inspection - scaphoid , no scars , sinuses , visible peristalisis
Palpation - non tender
hepatomegaly + firm consistency,liver span (13 cm)
spleenomegaly present , 3 fingers insunating below ribs, notch felt, non tender
percussion- tympanitic note
auscultation- normal bowel sounds heard
Inspection- no visible pulsations, normal shape
Palpation: no palpable heart sounds
apex beat at 5th ICS at MCL
Percussion- heart borders with in normal limits
Auscultation- S1 and S2 heard , no additional murmers or heart sounds heard
[05/09, 23:02] Dr.Deepika Ch: Today's new admission
AMC bedno 5
61 year old male with complaints of shortness of breath since 3 days
Dry cough since 3 days
History of fever 1week back
Involuntary movements of Rt upper limb since 3 years
HB. 4.6 gm/dl
TLC 44,100
Provisional diagnosis:
Community acquired pneumonia with bicytopenia
[05/09, 23:40] Dr Raveen Pg Gmed 2: A 61 year old male used to work as a mason, non diabetic, non hypertensive presented to casualty with history of fever, dry cough since 10-15 days, Involuntary movements of right upper limb since 3 yrs, Worsening of Shortness of breath since 10-15 days
He was his usual self 3 years back, noticed involuntary movements of right upper limb while being at rest and subsided on movement,
Since 2yrs after the demise of his wife, he was unable to bear the loss, he kept much of himself private and indulged in alcohol and smoking ( 1 pack per day 18beedis) and has reformed since one year, he also noticed awareness of his heart beat lasting for 15-20 mins occasionally and shortness of breath, class 1-2, denied for pedal oedema, orthopnoea and PND.
He also mentioned he has observed slowing of movement and ??decrease in pitch of his voice since 1-2 yrs and stopped going to work, rather occasionally ( he even built his daughters house 1 yr back ), he was prescribed medications ( December 2021 ) for his involuntary movements which resulted in vain after using for 5 months
In April 2022, after his second sons marriage he apparently slept in an abnormal posture with his elbow flexed and waking up next day he wasn’t able to lift his left upper limb over the head and has been that way till now
2 months back he went to Karnataka for his involuntary movements being said herbal medication is the remedy, on not subsiding stopped using after 2 weeks
Since 10-15 days, he developed fever, high grade intermittent type lasting for 3-4 days with chills, developed cough without expectoration and shortness of breath grade 1-2 ( walking for upto 500m) previously he used to go on bicycle in between the villages.
He has 2 sons and 2 daughters
He stays with his elder son and his wife and occasionally younger son comes and stays with them as he works in Hyderabad
He owns three acres of land looked after by his elder son and is growing cotton
While taking history he identified his elder daughter for younger daughter, on asking his grand son he’s often forgetting things and lethargy.
General examination
Pallor ++
JVP raised
Cylindrical chest
Right parasternal pulsation
No palpable P2
Apex beat localised to 5th ICS
RS - b/L early inspiratory crepts in b/l subclavicular area, mammary areas
and right infra Axillary areas
Right handed
Oriented to time place person
Able to recall events with delay in response
Speech normal
No cranial nerve deficits
No loss of power
Tone increased on right Upper limb
??Cog wheel
Hyper reflexia of biceps, triceps, supinator
2+ for knee
Absent ankle b/l
B/L Plantars withdrawal +
Mild pitting oedema ( ??upto ankle )
[06/09, 07:37] Dr Rakesh Biswas Sir HOD: When was his wife's demise? Your entire timeline depends on this missing information?
[06/09, 07:40] Dr Raveen Pg Gmed 2: 2 years back sir
2020 august
[06/09, 07:42] Dr Rakesh Biswas Sir HOD: That fits into early Parkinsonism
[06/09, 07:44] Dr Rakesh Biswas Sir HOD: @Dr Ashiness kashyap Mam Can you share which of the recent cases that you published was quite similar to this one?
[06/09, 07:52] Dr Raveen Pg Gmed 2: One more thing is sir
Abdomen is showing
Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly too
His old reports were showing
Hb of 10.9 in December
Yesterday’s was showing 4.6
[06/09, 07:52] Dr Rakesh Biswas Sir HOD: How many fingers below the costal margin?
[06/09, 07:55] Dr Raveen Pg Gmed 2: Spleen 3 fingers sir
Below the left costal margin
Liver after insinuating
Probably one finger below the coastal margin
[06/09, 07:55] Dr Rakesh Biswas Sir HOD: Chronic anemia and sepsis precipitating acute LVF other than his background problem of Parkinsonism
[06/09, 07:56] Dr Rakesh Biswas Sir HOD: Acute malaria or other undifferentiated sepsis causing organisms such as Salmonella?
Consistency of the spleen?
[06/09, 07:56] Dr Rakesh Biswas Sir HOD: Hope we sent his blood cultures before treating his antibiotic deficiency?
[06/09, 09:11] Dr Ashiness kashyap Mam: Very well presented @Dr Raveen Pg Gmed 2 ☺️
Have you checked his MMSE?
Any autonomic symptoms ? Have you checked for orthostatic hypotension ?
[07/09, 13:13] Dr.Deepika Ch: The diagnosis of CLL requires the presence of more than or equal to 5 × 109/L B lymphocytes (5000/μL) in the peripheral blood for the duration of at least 3 months. The clonality of the circulating B lymphocytes needs to be confirmed by flow cytometry. The leukemia cells found in the blood smear are characteristically small, mature lymphocytes with a narrow border of cytoplasm and a dense nucleus lacking discernible nucleoli and having partially aggregated chromatin. These cells may be found admixed with larger or atypical cells, cleaved cells, or prolymphocytes, which may comprise up to 55% of the blood lymphocytes.5 Finding prolymphocytes in excess of this percentage would favor a diagnosis of prolymphocytic leukemia (B-cell PLL). Gumprecht nuclear shadows, or smudge cells, found as cell debris, are other characteristic morphologic features found in CLL.
[07/09, 13:14] Dr.Deepika Ch: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2972576/
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